Surrogacy Journey. It. Is. Finished.

January 9, 2020. 650am. 7 lbs 8 Oz. Baby Kate entered the world.

I did it. I succeeded. I completed the task I began over a year ago. What a blessing.

For this child, we all have prayed.

The daddy, mama, and brother are so in love.

I haven’t met her yet but hoping to after I get discharged today.

It was my third birth. The easiest birth I’ve had. I went in at 7pm Wednesday evening. They started medication and I began immediately contracting.

It was a fast process. My water broke at around 330am. I made it until around 8 cm before I begged for an epidural. Contractions ARE THE WORST PAIN. I was having them every minute. No kidding. By the clock, every 30 seconds or so I was in and out of contractions. My boyfriend had dropped me off but due to how fast it was going, decided to stay with me. He really showed up and showed out. He talked me through my breathing. Getting an epidural in between contractions is quite possibly the most irritating experience. The doctor just wants to tap my spinal cord. I just want to punch her in the face. I keep breathing. She sticks me. I’m thankful for modern medicine.

My boyfriend got my phone and called the list of people to let them know we were way ahead of schedule.

My blood pressure drops and they have to give me some meds to spike it back up. I also have oxygen. Not going to lie. It scared me. I just kept telling myself. I can’t give birth if I pass out. I found something to focus on and gazed hard until I elevated.

My doctor, who has been my doctor for all births, had to be woken up and staggered into the room (I’m being slightly dramatic). He’s the best doctor. He’s low key and I love it. He said let’s do this. I begged for them to wait a few more minutes. I promised my 8 year old that she could be in the delivery room as long as she could manage it. My sister (kinda) brought her up there. They rushed her into the room. She held my hand and kept her composure the entire time. She is the most amazing tiny human. She loved it. We pushed and pushed. And baby girl made her appearance st 650!! Mama and daddy were tickled. They immediately took her, got her cleaned up and left the room for another room.

They cleaned me up and that was that.

Just like that.

It’s over.

Post partum:

I had a spinal leak from the epidural. It was excruciating. I was told to drink caffeine all day. Drinking caffeine after being up for 30 hours is a scary mix. It’s slowly tapering off. It was the longest day. I had several visitors. Social media exploded with the celebration of this beautiful baby girls life. By the evening, I was pooped. Everyone went home. I had the room to myself. I was able to finally shower, get jammies on and crawl into the (most uncomfortable) bed.

I slept.

Sleep is beautiful.

Now on to getting back to life. My body will need to heal. I will need to dry my milk up. I will need to mentally get myself back to normal. I will have 3 weeks off of work but I will eventually have to start back. I’ve missed my caseload families but I have thoroughly enjoyed being off and creating a baby! I will need to readjust me and my family’s lifestyle.

God. Is. So. Good.

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